Safety vs. aesthetics: Taipei grapples with transformer box

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2024/01/19 17:57

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan grapples with road safety concerns stemming from narrow pedestrian sidewalks and an abundance of transformer boxes obstructing pathways. The presence of over 1.42 million transformer boxes nationwide, many encroaching upon already limited sidewalk space, has heightened safety worries.

New Taipei City, taking action since 2020, is at the forefront of addressing this issue. The city government initiated an investigation into sidewalks narrower than 90 centimeters and is now focused on removing transformer boxes from pathways measuring between 90 and 150 centimeters. 


Progress has been evident, with 632 boxes relocated since 2020 and a target of 1,000 more by 2026. Chen Yen-pai, Director of the Maintenance Office at the New Taipei City Government, explained that many obstructing transformer boxes have been strategically relocated to median islands, widening sidewalks to over 120 centimeters and significantly improving safety.

Following New Taipei's lead, the Taipei City government plans to initiate transformer box relocation in 2024. However, concerns are emerging about the potential impact on the city's aesthetics and safety hazards like explosions.

In Taipei alone, approximately 40 transformer box explosion-related fires occur annually. Furthermore, nearly 10,000 overhead transformer boxes, attached to two to three-story buildings near residential areas, pose a safety threat.

To address these concerns, experts recommend proactive allocation of public facility zones and consideration of undergrounding transformer boxes, a solution that enhances urban landscapes and reduces safety risks.

Kuo Chiung-ying, dean of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, stressed the need to incorporate undergrounding into all new urban renovations. Examples from London, with shared utility tunnels dating back to around 1857, highlight the feasibility of this approach.

Looking ahead, Taiwan faces a call to learn from global examples and prioritize comprehensive urban planning. Despite the substantial budget required, undergrounding transformer boxes remains imperative for enhancing cityscapes and ensuring public safety.



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更新時間:2024/01/19 17:57
