MAC slams Beijing for ’dollar diplomacy’ to sway Nauru

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/01/16 12:29
MAC slams Beijing for ‘dollar diplomacy‘ to sway Nauru (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) expressed strong condemnation on Monday (Jan. 15) over Beijing's attempt to lure the Republic of Nauru into resuming diplomatic relations with it, accusing China of disrupting international order through "dollar diplomacy."

The MAC criticized China's actions as an attempt to suppress the international status and sovereignty of the Republic of China, Taiwan, at a time when it has smoothly completed its 8th presidential direct popular election, winning international praise.


The MAC emphasized that Beijing's attempts to snatch away the island nation's diplomatic allies will not earn it respect from the international community.

On the contrary, it will allow the world to understand better Taiwan's democratic achievements and contribution to the world, thus gaining Taiwan more global friendship and support.

"Justice is in the hearts of the people," the MAC stated in a press release, "We call on Beijing to immediately stop this zero-sum thinking that hurts others without benefiting itself."

The ROC government will continue to strengthen Taiwan's resilience, unite all sectors of society, cooperate with friendly and ideologically similar countries to maintain peace and stability in the region and the Taiwan Strait, and safeguard Taiwan's due international status and rights, the MAC said.



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更新時間:2024/01/16 12:29
