TVBS Charity Foundation fundraiser brings warmth to families

記者 Scarlett Yu 報導

2023/12/04 19:36

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The TVBS Charity Foundation launched a fundraising on Sunday (Dec. 3), championing love, hope, and faith in local communities.

The event coincided with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, uniting city governments, churches, and social welfare organizations. This collaboration brought special significance to the event, offering warmth in winter.


Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expressed strong support. "I felt touched and grateful seeing how the foundation is committed to spreading love to all corners of the world. There is no doubt Taipei would be standing at the forefront of this mass social endeavor," he said.

The event highlighted the struggles of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts across multiple sectors to provide aid.

Keelung Mayor George Hsieh added, "The foundation has been continuously aiding people who are desperate for help. It has done a particularly good job building social support by strengthening connections with churches."

As Christmas Eve approaches amidst global conflicts, this event sparked hope, empowering communities with a spirit of love.





更新時間:2023/12/14 19:17