KMT, TPP forge alliance for Taiwan’s 2024 presidential race

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/11/15 17:57

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People's Party (TPP) reached a consensus on a party alliance for the 2024 presidential election on Wednesday (Nov. 15), following extensive negotiations led by former President Ma Ying-jeou.

The parties have agreed to review public polling results from Nov. 7 to 17 and announce their joint presidential and vice-presidential candidates the next day.


After a 2-hour-long meeting, TPP candidate Ko Wen-je remarked, "We've probably made history today, as there has never been a coalition government in Taiwan's history. How to organize and operate it will be a matter of trial and error."

KMT presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih also emphasized unity, stating, "We have put personal interests aside, moving forward for the greater good of both parties. Regardless of who the final candidate is, we will work together."

Former President Ma also commented on the significance of the alliance, noting, "We have made a historical record in Taiwan's political history. This alliance can aid both parties in future elections and other areas."

According to a post-meeting statement, each party and the former president will nominate a polling expert.

The agreement outlines that if polling shows a clear winner beyond the margin of error, that candidate will earn a "point." However, if the results are within the margin of error, the Hou-Ko pairing will receive a "point."

Additionally, the consensus includes forming an election campaign committee after the two opposition parties join forces. This committee will support the candidates and jointly recommend legislative candidates.






更新時間:2023/11/15 17:57
