Kites of marine life fill the sky at Lukang’s ocean party

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/11/05 21:19
Lukang’s ocean party: Kites of marine life fill the sky (TVBS News)

CHANGHUA (TVBS News) — Kites of various marine animal shapes soared above the historic port town of Lukang on Sunday afternoon (Nov. 5), marking the festive Lukang Kite Festival.

Lukang initially experienced a lack of wind on Sunday morning. However, a breeze picked up around noon, allowing the marine-shaped kites to be launched and attracting numerous spectators.


Lukang Town Mayor Hsu Chih-hung said this year's festival embodied the theme of an ocean party, reflecting Lukang's identity as a small fishing town with a rich seafood production and a deeply ingrained culture of seafood cuisine.

Kites shaped like a wide array of marine life — from mullets to whale sharks, jellyfish, and dolphins — filled the sky, delighting many, particularly children.

Featuring a local touch, the centerpiece attraction was the mullet-shaped kite, along with a karasumi (salted mullet roe pouch) shaped kite.

The event highlighted the coastal cultural ties of the community and provided a festive marine-themed spectacle for residents and visitors in Lukang.

更新時間:2023/11/05 21:19