Ko Wen-je visits Taiwanese community in LA

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/10/05 21:00
Ko Wen-je visits Taiwanese community in LA (TVBS NEWS)

LOS ANGELES (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je visited the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of Los Angeles on Wednesday (Oct. 4) local time and met with overseas Taiwanese.

During the gathering, Ko did not express his views on cross-strait relations or the issue of the official title of Taiwan despite media inquiries.


Instead, Ko emphasized his goal is to focus on listening more, speaking less, and making more friends, saying: "One needs more friends and fewer enemies as we are living in the world together."

Some Taiwanese living in the United States in attendance expressed their hope that Ko could concede some ground and cooperate with Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. Ko responded with nodded acknowledgment but offered no further reply.

Ko is scheduled to depart for Taiwan on an early morning flight on Oct. 5, after wrapping up his 5-day U.S. visit on Thursday.



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更新時間:2023/10/05 21:00