Lai Ching-te shares ’National Project of Hope’ policy agenda

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/09/06 17:08

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te announced his national policy blueprint, the "National Project of Hope," on Wednesday (Sept. 6) and pledged to enhance existing policies of the Tsai government if he is elected.

Today's event marked Lai's first official press conference as a candidate, where he presented the vision for the future direction of Taiwan and provided a comprehensive view of his governance philosophy to the public.


The proposed "National Project of Hope" focused on three key aspects: peace and democracy, prosperity and innovation, righteousness, and sustainability. The policy agenda incorporated advice from over 200 experts, scholars, business representatives, and NGO workers.

Lai emphasized the need for Taiwan to become more resilient in the face of evolving global dynamics and domestic challenges by highlighting the importance of "building a democratic and peaceful Taiwan, fostering innovation and prosperity, while also promoting justice and sustainability."

Lai stressed the significance of adhering to principles and being led by experienced leadership in cross-strait relations, saying, "Under the principles of equal respect and dignity, Taiwan is willing to open its doors for cross-strait exchanges and cooperation." 

"These actions could improve the well-being of people on both sides and enhance peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait," Lai added.

Lai mentioned that he would provide further details of the policy blueprint in subsequent press events, hoping to gain public support and advance the country's development.

更新時間:2023/09/06 17:08
