Aborigine legislator denies claims of being Gou’s candidate

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/08/28 14:34
Aborigine legislator Kao Chin Su-mei denied claims of being Terry Gou’s vice presidential candidate

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Aborigine legislator Kao Chin Su-mei denied claims of being Terry Gou's vice presidential candidate on Monday (Aug. 28) after the business tycoon's presidential bid announcement.

Kao stressed her continued dedication to indigenous issues and intends to resolve her three persisting demands in the 2024 legislative elections.

On July 14, the legislator publicly met with Taitung City Councilor Chen Cheng-tsung to run for legislative seats.


The duo strives to enter the Legislative Yuan to establish an Indigenous Party.

Kao's three significant concerns focused on the lack of self-governance for indigenous people, the absence of an indigenous party in the Legislative Yuan, and her solitary status as the only non-party affiliated indigenous legislator.

Kao hopes potential presidential candidates will foster peaceful cross-strait relations, promote clean politics, and safeguard the quality of life of grassroots people, illuminating her vision for a tenable, equitable future for Taiwan.




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更新時間:2023/08/28 14:34
