Taiwanese youth reflects on impending military service

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/04/13 18:03

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Recent Temple University graduate Kent Kuo is preparing to fulfill his mandatory military service in Taiwan. In an interview with TVBS, Kuo discussed his expectations and emotions regarding the upcoming four months.

Just a week before entering the military, Kuo shaved his head and consulted with friends who had already completed their service. He acknowledged that the military experience will be challenging and requires a serious attitude.


Despite feeling nervous, Kuo expressed excitement and explained that he had mentally prepared himself by discussing his concerns with friends. 

Although Taiwan's mandatory military service has been extended to one year, Kuo must only serve for four months. 

While some may view this time as "summer camp," Kuo recognizes the importance of the training in equipping him with survival skills to protect this island country and its people.

Kuo expects to emerge from the experience both mentally and physically stronger, though he acknowledges the uncertainty of the future. "That’s my expectation, but who knows," he said.





更新時間:2023/04/13 18:12