Taiwan’s traffic accidents surged 4% in 2022: MOTC data

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/03/26 22:41

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in Taiwan released data on Friday (March 24) revealing that over 375,000 traffic accidents occurred in 2022. 

The figures indicate a surge of over 4% compared to 2021.


Among the accidents, road fatalities exceeded 3,000, with scooter accidents accounting for 1,954 deaths and 389,269 injuries. 

These alarming numbers have prompted different departments and government agencies in Taiwan to enhance pedestrian safety.

The Construction and Planning Agency is working to improve pedestrian spaces, and the Ministry of the Interior and MOTC have estimated 100km of sidewalk improvements this year.

The Police Department is implementing technology in 265 locations in Taiwan to catch traffic violators. Starting March 31, drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians will receive a NT$3600 ticket. 

These measures aim to reduce the number of traffic accidents and fatalities in the country.





更新時間:2023/03/26 22:41