More than 1,800 traffic tickets issued in Keelung last month

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/03/06 18:53

KEELUNG (TVBS News) — Keelung Police officers cracked down on drivers failing to yield to pedestrians crossing the street, issuing 1,608 tickets in February alone. 

The initiative was launched in response to Taiwan's ongoing traffic woes, which have drawn international scrutiny, with CNN labeling the country a "living hell for pedestrians."


To this end, police officers were stationed at intersections throughout the city to catch those who failed to yield to pedestrians. 

Of the tickets issued, 1,124 were given to scooter users, while 484 were for car drivers. An additional 208 tickets were issued to pedestrians for failing to use crosswalks.

On March 1, within two hours, officers issued 21 additional tickets to drivers who failed to yield to pedestrians. 

On average, a ticket was issued every five minutes. Keelung City's commitment to enforcing pedestrian right-of-way laws will continue to improve its residents' and visitors' safety and quality of life.

更新時間:2023/03/06 18:53
