Electronic coupons become trendy in Taiwan amid pandemic

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2022/12/26 10:36

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Electronic coupons have become increasingly popular among businesses and consumers for their convenience and contactless setting during the pandemic.

Many companies also prefer e-coupons as employee benefits or prizes for the New Year's party. 


According to the e-coupon industry, e-coupons have three main advantages. To begin with, they are very convenient. You can easily save them on your phone and choose where to use them. 

Also, they can be used in many different venues. E-coupons are mostly used in convenience stores, retail, fast food chains, restaurants, cafes, and drugstores, according to reports.

And last but not least, they are very efficient. E-coupons can save a lot of labor to deal with these giveaways for companies.


更新時間:2022/12/26 10:36