Kaohsiung stunning video on Taiwan’s reopening becomes viral

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/11/11 17:11

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Cities in Taiwan have wasted no time in inviting international travelers to visit as the nation reopened its borders on Oct. 13.

In particular, Kaohsiung City released a stunning video showcasing the city's best sights in a project supported by the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MoDA).


The video takes viewers through the city with aerial shots of its many landmarks as well as its colorful metro system and artistic tourist hot spots. It also promoted the Taiwan Design Expo which was held between Sept. 30 and Oct. 23.

Online users heaped praise on Kaohsiung City's official Twitter account, calling on local and international tourists alike to explore the city's unique culture and art. 

Though the expo has since ended, the video's popularity is undeniable as it has gathered over 84.3K views on Twitter.


更新時間:2022/11/11 17:11
