Human rights activists join Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2022/11/03 21:13

TAIPEI (TVBS News) Activists from around the world spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3). This is Taiwan's third time hosting the event. This year's theme "Champion of Change," is to celebrate human rights activists and their causes. 

As Taiwan is a "strong liberal democracy" in Asia, the foundation chose Taipei to hold the conference, President of the Human Rights Foundation Céline Boustani said. At the opening of the conference, "[The speakers] are everyday heroes, who have made a positive impact on the world," Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu said, before speaking about the brave individuals who sacrificed themselves to transform Taiwan into a thriving democracy.


"We will work to enhance democratic resilience at home and abroad. And together we will prevail," Wu concluded. 

The Oslo Freedom Forum is organized by the Human Rights Foundation (HRF). Every year, human rights advocates, journalists, artists, and leaders gather and share their experiences and the works they've done to protect human rights and freedom. 






更新時間:2022/11/03 21:15
