Storm Nesat torrential rain causes destruction across Taiwan

記者 Dimitri Bruyas 報導

2022/10/18 00:40

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Storm Nesat caused widespread damage to public infrastructure and private property over the weekend. The National Fire Agency reported 243 cases of destruction to roads and facilities in Taipei and 26 in New Taipei cities as of 9 a.m.

On Sunday night, heavy rain sparked a mudslide affecting residents in a residential community in New Taipei’s Xizhi District. Taoyuan and Yilan Counties also reported floods and mudslides sparked by the heavy rain.


The Central Emergency Operation Center lowered the level of disaster on Monday. Still, the Central Weather Bureau warned of more rain in regions north of Taoyuan City and the northeastern parts of the country.

Some mountainous areas in northern Taiwan are expected to see maximum accumulated rainfall of 1,100 millimeters during the storm’s passage, the bureau said. The seasonal northeasterly winds are expected to strengthen until Wednesday, sending temperatures down to lows of 18°C in northern Taiwan and 20°C elsewhere, the bureau added.





更新時間:2022/10/18 00:40
