
President Tsai honors workers on eve of Labor Day

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/30 13:55
Last update time:2024/04/30 13:55
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Photo for illustrative purposes only (Courtesy of the Presidential Office) President Tsai honors workers on eve of Labor Day
Photo for illustrative purposes only (Courtesy of the Presidential Office)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) honored exemplary workers and migrant workers along with their families in Taipei on Tuesday (April 30), recognizing their contributions across various sectors.

The event, held on the eve of Labor Day, underscored the government's commitment to improving labor conditions and wages in Taiwan.


Since taking office in 2016, the government has increased the minimum wage annually for eight consecutive years, raising it from NT$20,008 to NT$27,470, with the hourly wage going from NT$120 to NT$183.

President Tsai highlighted the implementation of the Minimum Wage Act this year, which aims to provide a clear framework for wage reviews and adjustments, ensuring better economic and living standards for workers.

Creating a Safe and Equal Workplace

In addition to wage increases, the government has taken measures to create a safer and more equitable work environment. Starting in March, new provisions under the Gender Equality in Employment Act have been enforced to enhance employers' awareness and responsibility in preventing workplace sexual harassment.

President Tsai also mentioned the continuous financial support to the labor insurance fund, with a total of NT$267 billion allocated since 2020, including post-pandemic special regulations, to ensure its stable operation.

The president expressed her pleasure in meeting with the model workers and migrant workers from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, thanking them for their significant contributions to Taiwan's industrial development and caregiving roles.

The ceremony, attended by Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-chun (許銘春) and Presidential Office Secretary-General Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍), concluded with Tsai congratulating all awardees and wishing them greater achievements in their future endeavors.

This event not only celebrated the hard work and dedication of Taiwan's workforce but also highlighted the government's ongoing efforts to improve labor conditions and rights in the country.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#President Tsai Ing-wen#Labor Day#migrant workers#workers#workplace
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