
Lai Ching-te appoints key figures in Taiwan-China relations

Reporter TVBS News staff
Release time:2024/04/25 22:24
Last update time:2024/04/25 22:26
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Chiu Chui-cheng has been named the head of the Mainland Affairs Council. (TVBS News) Lai Ching-te appoints key figures in Taiwan-China relations
Chiu Chui-cheng has been named the head of the Mainland Affairs Council. (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President-elect Lai Ching-te announced on Thursday (April 25) the appointment of key figures in Taiwan's approach to cross-strait relations, signaling a cautious yet hopeful stance towards Beijing. Chiu Chui-cheng (邱垂正) has been named the head of the Mainland Affairs Council, and Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) will lead the Straits Exchange Foundation. These appointments, effective from May 20, are seen as an extension of goodwill, aiming to maintain the status quo while fostering stability between Taiwan and China.

A Strategic Move for Stability

Tzeng Wei-feng (曾偉峯), an assistant researcher, views these appointments as a strategic move to stabilize relations without deviating significantly from the policies of President Tsai Ing-wen's administration. Chiu's extensive experience in cross-strait relations, coupled with his connections in the industrial sector and academia, positions him as a key player in leading Taiwan's top government agency handling cross-strait affairs.

Meanwhile, Cheng Wen-tsan's background in establishing a cross-strait affairs group in Taoyuan City equips him to support Taiwanese businesspeople and their families in China, as well as Chinese spouses and students in Taiwan.

Economic Interdependence and Future Prospects
The appointments reflect a broader desire for stability in cross-strait relations, according to National Taiwan Normal University Professor Huang Hsin-hao (黃信豪). However, the true impact of these strategic moves will largely depend on the content of Lai's inaugural speech on May 20. Hsu Shu-po, head of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China, emphasized the appointees' deep understanding of the industry sector.

This knowledge is crucial for managing the economic interdependence between Taiwan and China, highlighting the importance of maintaining a stable relationship for the benefit of Taiwanese-owned factories across the strait.

As Taiwan prepares for the inauguration of President-elect Lai Ching-te, the appointments of Chiu Chui-cheng and Cheng Wen-tsan serve as a testament to Taiwan's commitment to a stable and prosperous future in its relations with China. The world will be watching closely on May 20, as Lai's inaugural speech may set the tone for cross-strait relations in the years to come.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan China relations# cross-strait relations# Lai Ching-te# Mainland Affairs Council# Straits Exchange Foundation# Taiwan inauguration# Taiwan China stability# Taiwan China economic interdependence# appointments in Taiwan’s cross-strait policy


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