
DPP criticizes Ma’s proposal to amend Anti-Infiltration Act

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/22 16:30
Last update time:2024/04/22 16:30
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DPP criticizes Ma’s proposal to amend Anti-Infiltration Act (TVBS News) DPP criticizes Ma’s proposal to amend Anti-Infiltration Act
DPP criticizes Ma’s proposal to amend Anti-Infiltration Act (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) criticized on Monday (April 22) former President Ma Ying-jeou's proposal to amend the Anti-Infiltration Act following his recent meeting with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

In the press conference, DPP Legislator Puma Shen pointed out that most of the Anti-Infiltration Act's provisions aggravate already-regulated practices, such as violating political donations, lobbying, and electoral aid. Penalties are increased when it is determined that the violator is directed, commissioned, or funded by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


Shen responded to the criticism of the Anti-Infiltration Act by the Kuomintang (KMT) and China, stating that the genuinely chilling effect was caused by the numerous rules China has in place and the large number of persons who are missing or under investigation.

Shen said that the Anti-Infiltration Act amendment is the first stage in China's steady attempt to erode Taiwan's legal system; the Cross-Strait Act may come next. For this reason, a proposal has been made to reduce the six-year naturalization process for Chinese spouses to four years to erode Taiwan's defenses against Chinese invasion gradually.

The Policy Research and Coordinating Committee's executive director, Wang Yi-chuan, stated that the Anti-Infiltration Act was necessary since China has a history of interfering in Taiwan's elections. The legislation addresses bribery and the use of "fake news" and "fake videos" in "information warfare" to sway elections, as well as the offering of money, threats, and inducements from overseas, with "aggravated punishment" for these illegal acts.

Wang stressed the DPP's determination to fight to the very end and its uncompromising resistance to any easing of the Anti-Infiltration Act. Furthermore, he warned the DPP against the KMT and Taiwan People's Party (TPP) working together to amend the Anti-Infiltration Act.

Taiwan Affairs

#Anti-infiltration Act# Taiwan elections# Ma Ying-jeou# DPP Taiwan# Cross-Strait relations# China Taiwan interference# Taiwan legal system# Ma Ying-jeou Anti-infiltration Act# Taiwan election information warfare# Chinese spouses Taiwan naturalization
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