
Tuvalu unveils innovative approach to combat climate change

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/01/10 17:27
Last update time:2024/01/10 17:48
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The year 2023 has been officially declared the hottest on record worldwide, and small Pacific nations such as Tuvalu find themselves on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Facing the imminent threat of 95% of its land potentially being submerged by 2100, Tuvalu's government is leading the charge in implementing innovative strategies to protect its people and preserve its unique cultural identity in the face of rising sea levels.

Bikenibeu Paeniu, Tuvalu's ambassador to Taiwan, provided insights into the low-lying nation's multifaceted approach to combat climate change on Monday, January 8th. He addressed Tuvalu's groundbreaking move to become the world's first digital nation in the metaverse, an initiative initially proposed at the COP 27 summit in 2022.


Ambassador Paeniu emphasized, "We are all focused on saving Tuvalu, and integrating Tuvalu into the digital realm of the metaverse is a promising method to ensure its preservation. While not everyone may physically inhabit the metaverse, it will safeguard the essence of Tuvalu in all its digital dimensions."

Highlighting the significance of maintaining a connection to their homeland, Ambassador Paeniu stressed that this initiative is crucial for Tuvalu's survival. Furthermore, he urged the international community to acknowledge the reality of Tuvalu's potential submersion and pursue pragmatic solutions.

As Tuvalu grapples with the encroaching impacts of climate change, resulting in a substantial migration of its residents to countries like New Zealand and Australia, Ambassador Paeniu expressed the profound desire of Tuvaluans to remain in their homeland, stating, "They would prefer to stay in their own country, upholding their dignity and preserving our culture."

With Tuvalu's upcoming elections scheduled for late January, and the government will swear in by the second week of February, Ambassador Paeniu affirmed that the future government will continue to champion the importance of adopting eco-friendly practices and promoting sustainability, advocating for a "green" future.

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