俄烏戰爭開打至今已逾1年,曠日廢時的戰役何時能結束是眾所矚目焦點,烏克蘭軍事情報局長布達諾夫(Kyrylo Budanov)5日指出,俄軍在歷時逾1年的侵略中耗費大量人力、軍備與物資,預測一場「決定性戰鬥」將於春天發生,表明這是戰爭結束前的「最後一場戰役」,因為俄軍將在晚春「用光所有軍備物資。」
⚡️Budanov: Russia likely to run out of ‘military tools’ by end of spring.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) March 5, 2023
Russia has “wasted huge amounts of human resources, armaments, and materials” during the war, Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said in an interview with USA Today published on March 5. pic.twitter.com/mZGSopZdPm
總部位於美國的戰爭研究所(the Institute for the Study of War,ISW)4日公布報告,指出雖俄軍已三面包夾巴赫姆特,但尚未迫使烏軍棄守,不太可能很快拿下該城。烏軍高層也強調,目前沒有撤軍計畫,只有在必要時才會棄城。
⚡️Defense Express: Russia uses new 1.5-ton gliding bombs on Ukraine for first time.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) March 4, 2023
The UPAB-1500B guided bomb, first unveiled at a Russian arms expo in 2019, has since undergone full testing, been delivered to the Russian air force, and received its first orders for export. pic.twitter.com/qbVxGcTEcQ
另外,俄軍6日首次對烏克蘭使用1.5噸重的新型武器UPAB-1500B(代號K029B)「導引滑翔航空炸彈」(gliding bomb),其與一般炸彈相比,不須近距投擲就能精準打擊目標,用於摧毀地面或水面的堅固物體,烏克蘭則持續呼籲西方提供F-16等現代戰機,應對此威脅。