Yuri感情狀態不藏了!鬆口與千億小開「真實關係」 自招是第二次
2024世界棒球12強賽將在本(11)月開打,來自5支不同球隊的36位啦啦隊隊員,共組熱身賽陣容,包含Yuri(陳怡叡)、穎樂、丹丹、Queena等也在其中,今(2)日4人現身「中華職棒Team Taiwan期間限定店」中與粉絲們見面,女孩們人氣旺盛,吸引眾多人潮。而日前Yuri與千億鞋業小開Steven再爆緋聞,對於愛情,Yuri聲稱只要仍在球隊活動,就不會談感情,間接否認戀情。2024/11/02 12:27 -
啦啦隊女神當面遭酸「不可愛」原因超離譜 她不忍四字回應
味全龍啦啦隊小龍女成員Queena擁有「童顏女神」的封號,憑藉可愛標緻又清新的幼態外型,以及超級軟Q的身軀成為隊上的招牌人物,還與日本女星新垣結衣有些神似,是啦啦隊員裡尚未爆紅的「璞玉」。Queena近日卻遭到球迷當面調侃,與其他啦啦隊員相比,「誰誰誰比較可愛」,讓她忍不住在社群平台上幽默回懟,「是你太矮!」2024/04/17 18:59 -
Tainan hotel upskills senior staff through training programs
Queena Plaza Hotel in Tainan successfully utilizes Taiwan’s Middle-aged and Elderly Training Subsidy Program to enhance the skills of its middle-aged and senior workforce. Through external training courses, the hotel’s staff, particularly those aged 45 and above, have completed HACCP 60A and HACCP 60B courses, improving their capabilities in food safety control systems and kitchen hygiene regulations. Over 50% of the hotel’s middle-aged and elderly grassroots leaders have obtained HACCP certification, contributing to their career development. The Workforce Development Agency encourages companies to apply for subsidy programs to leverage the competencies of their middle-aged and senior employees, leading to improved work efficiency and organizational goals. Contact the agency for more information.2023/12/20 17:24