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    leadership 結果共86筆

  • Lin Fei-fan withdraws from legislative election race

    Lin Fei-fan, a prominent Taiwanese activist known for his leadership in the Sunflower Student Movement in 2014, announced his withdrawal from the legislative election race on Tuesday (June 13). Lin expressed remorse for the controversies surrounding handling a sexual harassment incident within the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
    2023/06/13 17:44
  • Mayor Hou Yu-ih addresses shocking kindergarten incident

    The kindergarten child drugging case in New Taipei City has sparked outrage and raised concerns about Mayor Hou Yu-ih’s leadership. So far, 17 parents have come forward to report the incident. The 25-day delay in conducting the investigation has deepened skepticism about Hou’s administrative capabilities.
    2023/06/10 16:25
  • Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

    Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 
    2023/05/29 17:24
  • President Tsai wins Hudson’s Global Leadership Award

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was awarded the Hudson Institutes’ Global Leadership Award for defending democracy on March 30 (Thursday) in New York. 
    2023/04/01 09:02
  • Experts stress Taiwan’s leadership in semiconductor industry

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company announced plans to build a second fab in Arizona in December 2022, raising its investment in the U.S. to US$40 billion.
    2023/01/05 18:48
  • Wenchi Yu expects China to continue ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’

    The 20th Communist Party Congress produced intense media coverage last week as we tried to understand the leadership transition in the world’s second-largest economy. The process will have lasting impacts on China’s economic and foreign policies moving forward, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu.
    2022/10/26 10:19
  • Chin: Asia Summit connects people with capital, great ideas

    The Milken Institute is one of the world’s leading think tanks regarding free market solutions. Its ninth Asia Summit again showcases how private capital and the private sector can help solve the world’s problems.
    2022/10/03 01:47
  • Julia Gillard wants to boost female workforce participation

    The Milken Institute invited the former prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, to share her take on women in leadership on the last day of the Asia Summit. The 27th prime minister, who is currently the chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, explained on Thursday (Sept. 30) how leaders need to re-align values with strategies in these changing times.
    2022/10/02 21:07
  • 華航宣布這機型使用永續燃油 獲國際碳揭露領導企業 

    環保意識抬頭,中華航空表示,響應國際減碳趨勢,宣示 2050 年達到「淨零碳排放」目標, 2022 年獲得國際碳揭露專案(CDP)供應鏈議合評鑑(Supplier Engagement Rating, SER)評比為領導等級(Leadership),為全球航空產業佼佼者之一,顯見落實環境永續發展的作為持續受國際肯定。
    2022/04/07 16:29
  • 「扯」上聯合國! 清大女孩用扯鈴驚豔世界

    許多優秀的人才都用自身的長才讓世界看見台灣!國立清華大學3位女大生參加聯合國主辦的世界大學生領導大會(University Scholars Leadership Symposium, USLS),其中清大科管所學生邱怡澍表現傑出,不僅被剪輯進官方宣傳影片,更在閉幕大會時表演花式扯鈴驚豔全場。
    2018/08/22 00:32
  • 秀英文許願邁國際 林志玲新片將上映

    2013/01/12 11:21
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