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    C 結果共10,000筆

  • 牧羊犬發狂!英國嫩嬰慘遭「咬破頭亡」 牠下場曝光

    國外不時會傳出不幸被大犬咬死人的事件,近日英國西密德蘭郡科芬特里(Coventry)也發生了一起殘忍慘案,僅7個月大的多爾蒂(Elle Doherty)在家中被自家寵物狗攻擊,導致頭部嚴重創傷,最終不幸身亡。
    2024/06/25 16:31
  • 影后為尋找逝去親人遺族 竟親聯繫受害者親屬協會

    由西班牙影后蕾雅柯絲塔(Laia Costa)主演的新作《承諾大海的老師》,片中角色代表著所有尋找逝去親人的遺族,她為此特別與故事的起點「拉佩德拉哈地區」的受害者親屬協會聯繫,更與劇組親自造訪安東尼奧當年生活過的居所與學校,她對此表示:「對我來說,來到發生這一切的地方非常重要。了解了他們真實的證詞,為了尋找自己失蹤的親人,付出多年的時間與金錢,表現出頑強的毅力,且幾乎沒有得到任何幫助,這些都是我塑造角色的動力。」
    2024/06/25 16:16
  • Subsidies alone won’t fix Taiwan’s birth rate drop: Experts

    Explore Taiwan’s challenge in boosting its declining birth rate through subsidies and the call for more sustainable family support measures.
    2024/06/25 16:05
  • Ko Wen-je accuses President Lai of betraying public trust

    Explore the escalating political tension in Taiwan as TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je accuses President Lai Ching-te of betraying public trust and undermining the constitution, amid disputes over parliamentary reform bills.
    2024/06/25 15:59
  • AI integration in workplaces to reshape Taiwan job market

    Explore how AI’s rise impacts job markets, with insights from experts on its threat to repetitive roles and potential to change recruitment strategies. Learn how AI could assist rather than replace in certain industries.
    2024/06/25 15:57
  • Taiwan braces for fewer typhoons in 2024, CWB reports

    Discover the Central Weather Bureau’s forecast for Taiwan, predicting two to four typhoons from June to November, a figure that’s below average to normal. Learn about the impact of El Niño and La Niña on typhoon formation and Taiwan’s preparation for potential water conservation and disaster prevention measures.
    2024/06/25 15:20
  • Taipei finds pesticide residue in 12 fresh produce items

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s food safety: 12 out of 52 fresh produce items failed pesticide tests, including Thai basil and papaya. Fines for violations range from NT$60,000 to NT$200 million.
    2024/06/25 15:20
  • NewJeans收死亡威脅! 見面會前夕「遭持刀圖恐嚇」急報警

    南韓新一代人氣女團NewJeans人氣風靡全球,近來正準備連2天在日本東京巨蛋舉辦「Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome」粉絲見面會,沒想到見面會前夕卻收到黑粉的死亡威脅,因為活動日期將近,經紀公司提高警覺報警處理。
    2024/06/25 15:18
  • 北半球熱翻!美林肯蠟像「遭熱浪斬首」 紐約恐破136年高溫

    隨著北半球夏季來臨,全美各地均出現極端高溫,位於東北部的華盛頓特區,周末氣溫飆到100°F(約37.7°C),創下十多年來新高。當地一所小學,校內的前總統林肯(Abe Lincoln)蠟像竟因太熱「斷頭」,部分身軀也融化成一團,照片在網路上瘋傳。
    2024/06/25 14:55
  • YTR驚爆炸雞店將倒閉!哽咽「太相信人」 遺憾揮別夢想

    擁有49.5萬訂閱數的YouTuber阿晋,去年初宣布在台中開炸雞店「Oh!MAMA Chicken 美式炸雞」,合資股東包括另一名YouTuber賤葆,開業後炸雞口味評價不俗,Google評論都有4星以上。怎料昨(24)日他在YouTube發布新影片,稱「夢想結束,炸雞店要結束了」,並透露因他太信任合夥的營運人,導致公司虧損不自知,炸雞店即將倒閉。
    2024/06/25 14:33
  • Premier urges Taiwanese to prioritize safety in China

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai responds to China’s judicial guidelines threatening Taiwanese citizens with severe penalties for advocating "Taiwan independence." Learn about the government’s commitment to protect its nationals.
    2024/06/25 14:31
  • Elderly at high risk as Taiwan grapples with extreme heat

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s extreme heatwave: Over 460 people sought medical help for heat-related injuries in June, with temperatures soaring to 38 degrees Celsius in some areas. Learn how the elderly are particularly at risk and get expert advice on avoiding heat exhaustion.
    2024/06/25 14:15
  • 連上衣都沒穿!加州男徒步登山失蹤10天 靠「靴子接水喝」奇蹟生還

    加州一名男子日前在聖塔克魯茲(Santa Cruz)山脈展開徒步健行,出門時連上衣都沒穿,本來只計畫走3小時,沒想到卻迷失方向,失蹤了10天。期間連水壺都沒有的他,每天用靴子接瀑布的水喝,最終奇蹟生還,感動與焦急等待的家人們相擁賦歸。
    2024/06/25 14:13
  • 《墨雨雲間》王星越爆熱戀!與女星「進出同棟樓」 他氣炸怒轟

    2024/06/25 13:20
  • Taiwanese golfers set for Paris Olympics debut

    Discover how Taiwanese golfers Chien Pei-yun and Hsu Wei-ling qualified for the Paris Olympics, their rankings, and their reactions to representing Taiwan.
    2024/06/25 12:46
  • 瓊斯盃名單出爐!陳盈駿、賀家兄弟領軍 吉爾貝克也參戰

    2024/06/25 12:21
  • 全美十間最貴學府 哥倫比亞大學「4年花1666萬」

    美國金融科技公司「Self Financial」近日參考全美所有大學院校的學費和成本、列出「全美最貴10間大學院校」,其中「哥倫比亞大學」(Columbia University)奪下冠軍、共計就讀4年要花費超過51萬美元(約新台幣1652萬)。
    2024/06/25 12:03
  • 「台灣最強高中生」服兵役!美國大咖實況主嚇壞 百萬粉絲幫祈禱

    有「台灣最強高中生」稱號的Ray因結識千萬實況主Kai Cenat紅遍歐美,Kai不僅特別來台參加Ray畢業典禮,甚至介紹自己的好友金卡戴珊、凱文哈特給對方認識。不過近日Ray在直播時透露,自己將入伍服兵役一年,讓Kai和不少歐美觀衆嚇傻,紛紛為他祈禱,希望能平安回來。
    2024/06/25 11:58
  • Taiwan, Saint Kitts deepen ties in renewable energy, health

    Discover the highlights of Prime Minister Terrance Drew’s visit to Taiwan, including discussions on strengthening ties in education, agriculture, technology, and more. Learn about the shared democratic values and future cooperation plans between Taiwan and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
    2024/06/25 11:46
  • U.S. boosts Taiwan’s defense amid rising Chinese expansion

    Explore how Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell warns of a potential global depression due to disruptions in the Indo-Pacific, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry and regional stability.
    2024/06/25 11:19
  • U.S. condemns China’s new guidelines on Taiwan

    Explore the latest on U.S.-China tensions: The State Department condemns China’s new guidelines targeting Taiwan independence, urging dialogue and restraint. Read more on the escalating situation and Taiwan’s response.
    2024/06/25 11:00
  • 有片/川普發言人「狂轟主持人偏袒拜登」 《CNN》直播慘遭中斷

    美國2024總統大選的首場電視辯論將於美東時間27日晚間9時(台灣時間28日上午9時)舉行,《CNN》也派出資深主播塔珀(Jake Tapper)與巴什(Dana Bash)連袂主持,沒想到川普(Donald Trump)陣營發言人24日接受《CNN》直播專訪時,不斷批評上述2人政治立場鮮明、可能偏袒拜登(Joe Biden),縱使節目主持人極力想拉回話題也無果,最終陷入爭吵後直播被迫中斷。
    2024/06/25 11:00
  • Scorching temperatures hit Taiwan amid clear skies

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including unusual thunderstorm patterns and high temperatures reaching 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. Learn about potential threats and necessary precautions for the coming week.
    2024/06/25 10:48
  • 好市多停車場突公告「暫停收費」!內行曝暖心內幕:1狀況免繳

    2024/06/25 10:47
  • 影音/五月天台上和解玩親親! 石頭帶面具被CUE跳16蹲

    2024/06/25 10:35
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