
New transportation minister vows to adapt, work harder

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/26 13:44
Last update time:2024/09/26 18:18
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New transportation minister vows to adapt, work harder (TVBS News) New transportation minister vows to adapt, work harder
New transportation minister vows to adapt, work harder (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Transportation Minister Chen Shih-kai (陳世凱) attended his first legislative session on Thursday (Sept. 26), emphasizing his readiness to adapt and work harder in response to public scrutiny.

Chen acknowledged the challenges ahead, noting his background in transportation issues as a former Taichung City councilor. Chen mentioned that half of the previous ministers did not come from transportation backgrounds yet performed excellently.


Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) Legislator Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) advised that the minister must listen humbly and work diligently to gain public approval. Tsai pointed out that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC, 交通部) scope makes it challenging for any minister to master everything, predicting some difficulties for Chen.

He asked Chen about his top three priorities for Taichung railway projects.

Chen identified the Taichung Mass Rapid Transit (TMRT, 台中捷運) Orange Line, Blue Line, and the elevation of the Taiwan Railway Coastal Line (台鐵海線) as his main focuses. Chen stated that he had already received briefings from all units and had inspected various bureaus to understand union concerns.

When asked about the central government budget being stalled by the Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) in the Legislature, Chen responded that the MOTC would actively communicate with all committee members to ensure the budget's passage, enabling rapid progress on anticipated MRT and highway projects.

Taiwan Affairs

#Transportation Minister# Chen Shih-kai# legislative session# public scrutiny# Taichung City Councilor# Ministry of Transportation and Communication# Democratic Progressive Party# Taichung railway projects# Taichung Mass Rapid Transit# Taiwan Railway Coast


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