
President Lai oversees disaster drill in southern Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/20 15:52
Last update time:2024/09/20 16:19
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President Lai oversees disaster drill in southern Taiwan (TVBS News) President Lai oversees disaster drill in southern Taiwan
President Lai oversees disaster drill in southern Taiwan (TVBS News)

CHIAYI (TVBS News) — President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) oversaw the National Disaster Prevention Day rescue drill at the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum (故宮南院) on Friday (Sept. 20). The event aimed to enhance disaster preparedness and response capabilities across Taiwan.

President Lai first visited Chiayi County Siang He Elementary School (祥和國小) to observe students participating in an earthquake drill. He then toured the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum, where he inspected various rescue equipment.


There, the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA, 數位部) showcased a mobile command vehicle capable of sending signals without connecting to Chunghwa Telecom (中華電信) networks. The Ministry of the Interior's National Fire Agency (內政部消防署) also displayed advanced technologies, including a mobile ad hoc network, cross-agency radio integration, and multi-channel satellite imaging enhancements.

Chunghwa Telecom also presented an aerial drone base station to ensure reliable communication during disasters. The Tzu Chi Foundation (慈濟) mobilized hundreds of volunteers to demonstrate various rescue tools and a mobile kitchen, to which President Lai expressed his gratitude to the foundation for their efforts.

Lai stated that the government holds large-scale earthquake rescue drills annually to prepare local governments and improve future disaster prevention efforts. He emphasized the importance of strengthening Taiwan's disaster response capabilities to safeguard lives and property.

As Taiwan continues to face potential natural disasters, President Lai's participation highlights the government's commitment to disaster readiness. Future drills and technological advancements will be crucial in ensuring the safety and resilience of the nation.

Taiwan Affairs

#disaster preparedness# earthquake drill# Chunghwa Telecom# Tzu Chi Foundation# National Palace Museum# disaster response# rescue equipment# mobile command vehicle# advanced rescue technologies# Taiwan disaster readiness


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