
Mike Pompeo pledges ongoing support for Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/18 10:57
Last update time:2024/09/18 11:55
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Mike Pompeo pledges ongoing support for Taiwan (TPG PHOTO) Mike Pompeo pledges ongoing support for Taiwan
Mike Pompeo pledges ongoing support for Taiwan (TPG PHOTO)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State emphasized his commitment to continue supporting the people of Taiwan on Tuesday (Sept. 17). Speaking at a seminar hosted by the Hudson Institute, Pompeo also expressed regret over his inability to do more for the people of Hong Kong during his tenure.

He reassured that regardless of who takes office in January, the U.S. will honor its commitments to Taiwan. The "Taiwan's Democracy in the International Community" seminar focused on Taiwan's role on the international stage, where Pompeo voiced his support for Taiwan's efforts to gain international recognition.


Recalling his meetings with Chinese officials, Pompeo noted that Taiwan was always a primary topic. To address this, he explained that he sent former Under Secretary of State Keith Krach to Taiwan, making Krach the highest-ranking State Department official to visit. Pompeo also facilitated the visit of former Health Secretary Alex Azar to Taiwan, ignoring protests from the Chinese Communist Party.

Pompeo stated that Taiwan is an independent, free, and sovereign country and criticized the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of rights and freedoms. He referenced the 2020 Hong Kong national security law, which led him to report to Congress that Hong Kong no longer had sufficient autonomy for special treatment under U.S. law.

Pompeo called for more high-level U.S. official visits to Taiwan, despite potential backlash from Beijing. He believes such actions will help the world recognize Taiwan's sovereignty. The seminar was co-hosted by the Taiwan United Nations Alliance (TAIUNA, 台灣聯合國協進會), which has been advocating for Taiwan's international participation for over 20 years.

TAIUNA Honorary Adviser Michael Tsai (蔡明憲) highlighted a new strategy to increase engagement with U.S. Congress members. He anticipates future U.S. administrations, whether led by Trump or Harris, will maintain stable Taiwan policies to ensure peace in the Taiwan Strait, aligning with U.S. national interests.

Taiwan Affairs

#Mike Pompeo# Taiwan sovereignty# Hong Kong national security law# U.S. Taiwan relations# Chinese Communist Party# international recognition# Taiwan United Nations# high-level visits# Taiwan international participation# U.S. Congress Taiwan policy


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