
Labor minister prioritizes marginal worker’s living standard

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/04 12:06
Last update time:2024/09/04 16:32
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Labor minister prioritizes marginal worker’s living standard (TVBS News) Labor minister prioritizes marginal worker’s living standard
Labor minister prioritizes marginal worker’s living standard (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Labor Minister Ho Pei-shan (何佩珊) highlighted concerns over inflation and its impact on marginal workers during a critical minimum wage review meeting held Wednesday (Sept. 4). Ho emphasized that safeguarding the basic living standards of these workers remains the top priority.

The Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動部) convened its first minimum wage review meeting under the new Minimum Wage Act (最低工資法) enacted earlier this year. Representatives from labor, management, government, and academia joined the discussion, with Ho presiding as the chairperson.


Ho noted that the current economic fundamentals of Taiwan are strong but acknowledged the post-pandemic inflation. She stated that the inflation figures are concerning, and the review must consider the annual growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Ho stressed that inflation disproportionately affects marginal workers, especially those in the lowest 20% income households, who spend a significant portion of their earnings on essential living expenses. She reiterated that ensuring the minimum living standards of marginal workers is the primary task of the minimum wage review.

To support Hualien's post-disaster recovery, the MOL provided Hualien products as refreshments for the committee members. Ho hoped the refreshments would facilitate rational and peaceful discussions on the minimum wage.

Taiwan Affairs

#minimum wage# inflation# Taiwan economy# labor market# marginal workers# Consumer Price Index# post-pandemic recovery# minimum wage review Taiwan# impact of inflation on workers# safeguarding worker standards


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