
Kimberley Chen releases ’kiki’ album to promote green living

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/03 09:58
Last update time:2024/07/03 12:35
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Kimberley Chen releases ’kiki’ album to promote green living (Shutterstock) Kimberley Chen releases ’kiki’ album to promote green living
Kimberley Chen releases 'kiki' album to promote green living (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Singer Kimberley Chen (陳芳語) launched her new album "kiki" on Tuesday (July 2), aiming to promote vegetarianism and an eco-friendly lifestyle. Kimberley, who cares for numerous pets at home, including 11 cats, four dogs, two rabbits, and two pigs, hopes her album will inspire others to adopt similar practices.

Kimberley employs a pet sitter to help manage her household of animals. She advocates for environmental sustainability and adopts sick cats and dogs, striving to provide them with a high quality of life.


Kimberley maintains a stable relationship with Van Chen (彥文), the drummer of the band Flesh Juicer (血肉果汁機). The couple lives together and faces no pressure to marry. "My parents don't push me to get married," Kimberley said, emphasizing her relaxed approach to the future.

Though Kimberley currently has no plans to have children, she remains open to the idea of adoption. "If I get married and have children someday, I hope it will happen naturally," she stated, wanting to help children in need if given the chance.

Kimberley's father supports her choices and holds a high opinion of her boyfriend, appreciating his music. Kimberley also plans a concert, hoping to create an intimate experience for her fans. This upcoming event will further connect her with her audience, reinforcing her commitment to her supporters and causes.

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#Kimberley Chen# vegetarianism# eco-friendly lifestyle# pet sitter# environmental sustainability# Flesh Juicer# concert# Kimberley Chen new album kiki# adopting sick cats and dogs# Kimberley Chen and Van Chen relationship


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