
Lai warns of risks under China’s new anti-secession laws

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/26 17:34
Last update time:2024/06/26 19:18
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Lai warns of risks under China’s new anti-secession laws (TVBS News) Lai warns of risks under China’s new anti-secession laws
Lai warns of risks under China's new anti-secession laws (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) warned on Wednesday (June 26) that China's new regulations aimed at punishing supporters of Taiwan's independence could impact over 90% of Taiwan's population.

The warning came in response to China's new guidelines against "secession of the nation" announced on June 21, with the most severe violations potentially leading to the death penalty.


During a DPP Central Executive Committee meeting, President Lai, also chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP),  highlighted that the guidelines are broadly defined and target a wide range of activities without specific limitations.

He advised Taiwanese citizens to exercise caution while traveling or conducting business in China. President Lai emphasized the importance of cautious diplomacy and expressed hope for unity within the party in response to China's pressures, aligning with the people's expectations.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan independence# China sanctions# Lai Ching-te# Democratic Progressive Party# Taiwan China relations# death penalty China# Taiwan politics# China’s punishment for Taiwan supporters# Taiwanese citizens travel risks# unity against China pressure


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