
Taiwan’s traffic fatalities fall short of 5% reduction goal

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/25 17:18
Last update time:2024/06/25 19:43
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Traffic fatalities fall short of 5% reduction goal (Shutterstock) Taiwan’s traffic fatalities fall short of 5% reduction goal
Traffic fatalities fall short of 5% reduction goal (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Consumers' Foundation (消費者文教基金會) held a transportation forum in Taipei on Tuesday (June 25), discussing urban bus and pedestrian safety, designated driving post-alcohol consumption, and taxi service diversification. Speaking at the forum, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Chen Yen-po (陳彥伯) outlined ambitious targets to achieve zero traffic deaths by 2050, aiming to reduce overall traffic fatalities by 30% and pedestrian deaths by 50% before 2030.

Chen highlighted that despite a slight decrease in fatalities last year to 3,023, the reduction fell short of the 5% annual target. This year’s first-quarter fatalities totaled 772, nearly missing the same reduction goal with a 4.8% decrease. Notably, pedestrian deaths increased to 119, up by 16 from the previous year. To address these challenges, Chen emphasized the need for a comprehensive transportation strategy revised every four years and called for local governments to create detailed implementation plans.


President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) is prioritizing traffic safety, urging faster progress from both the Ministry of Transportation and local authorities. The government plans to enhance road safety by improving 400 high-risk intersections within the next three months and targeting upgrades at 799 local and 2,000 provincial intersections by year’s end. Additionally, the newly launched 'Road Safety Mobilization' (道安總動員) website offers a platform for the public to engage directly with road safety issues, reporting problems for immediate resolution.

Taiwan Affairs

#Consumers’ Foundation#Chen Yen-po#Road Safety Mobilization#traffic#Lai Ching-te#designated driving#local intersections#traffic regulations#accident-prone intersections


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