
Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

Release time:2024/06/03 14:53
Last update time:2024/06/03 14:53
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Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats (Courtesy of DPP) Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats
Taiwan's DPP urges China to halt military threats (Courtesy of DPP)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a bold response to recent threats from China's defense minister, a spokesperson for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Cho Kuan-ting, called on China to cease its military intimidation and diplomatic suppression of Taiwan.

Cho's statement on Sunday (June 2) emphasized the need for China to recognize the "status quo of mutual non-subordination" between Taiwan and China and to respect the Taiwanese public's opposition to military threats and diplomatic pressure.


A Call for Peace Amid Tensions

Cho's remarks came after Chinese Minister of National Defense Dong Jun issued a stark warning at the Shangri-La Dialogue, asserting China's defense policy as open and inclusive but threatening dire consequences for any attempts to separate Taiwan from China. Cho criticized Dong's comments as a violation of the United Nations Charter's principles against the use of force and threats, labeling them as a contradiction that undermines China's credibility on the international stage.

Urging Dialogue and Stability

Cho further urged the Chinese authorities to abandon their aggressive stance and engage in dialogue with Taiwan's elected government. He highlighted the importance of both sides taking responsibility for maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the region. This appeal reflects a broader call for de-escalation and mutual respect amidst rising tensions and international concern over the potential for conflict.

Cho's call for dialogue and a peaceful approach underscores the urgency of addressing the complex and delicate relations between Taiwan and China. As tensions continue to simmer, the international community watches closely, hoping for a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and wishes of the Taiwanese people.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan China relations# DPP China# Taiwan military threats# Taiwan peace# China defense policy# Taiwan Strait# Shangri-La Dialogue# Democratic Progressive Party response to China# China’s military intimidation of Taiwan
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