
DPP slams KMT for legislative chaos, blames Eric Chu

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/30 16:49
Last update time:2024/05/30 16:49
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DPP slams KMT for legislative chaos, blames Eric Chu (Courtesy of DPP) DPP slams KMT for legislative chaos, blames Eric Chu
DPP slams KMT for legislative chaos, blames Eric Chu (Courtesy of DPP)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) criticized the Kuomintang (KMT) on Thursday (May 30), accusing KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) of allowing caucus whip Fu Kun-chi (傅崐萁) to disrupt the constitution and governance, holding him primarily responsible.

DPP spokesperson Cho Kuang-ting (卓冠廷) criticized the KMT, the largest party in the legislature, for failing to uphold its duty to maintain order and neutrality in the Legislative Yuan, led by KMT's Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜).


Legislative Chaos and Accusations

The Legislative Yuan passed a controversial bill expanding its powers on May 28, amid strong opposition. Cho condemned the KMT and the Taiwan People's Party (TPP) for pushing through the bill without proper scrutiny, leading to numerous procedural errors and last-minute amendments. He also highlighted the KMT's internal contradictions, pointing out Fu Kun-chi's proposal to abolish the Control Yuan, which contradicts the KMT's long-standing advocacy for a five-branch government system, as noted by KMT's Culture and Communications head Lee Yen-hsiu (李彥秀).

Calls for Unity Amidst Political Turmoil

Cho urged Chairman Chu to show leadership by promoting unity, especially during times of external pressures, such as China's military exercises and efforts to exclude Taiwan from the World Health Assembly (WHA). He criticized Chu's absence from significant national events, like the presidential inauguration, and the internal backlash against KMT Legislator Hsieh Yi-fong (謝衣鳯) for attending, emphasizing the need for collective effort to advance Taiwan in the right direction and strengthen its democratic unity.

The DPP's call for accountability and unity in the face of internal and external challenges underscores the ongoing political tensions in Taiwan, highlighting the importance of leadership and consensus in navigating the island's democratic and sovereign path forward.

Taiwan Affairs

#Democratic Progressive Party#DPP#Kuomintang#KMT#Eric Chu#Lee Yen-hsiu#Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu#Fu Kun-chi#Cho Kuang-ting#five-branch government system
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