
President Lai urges dialogue after legislative amendments

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/29 13:47
Last update time:2024/05/29 13:47
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President Lai urges dialogue after legislative amendments (TVBS News) President Lai urges dialogue after legislative amendments
President Lai urges dialogue after legislative amendments (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Presidential Office spokesperson Kuo Ya-hui (郭雅慧) expressed concerns on Tuesday (May 28), stating that the passage of the third reading of various parliamentary reform bills amidst significant public skepticism does not reflect the collective expectations of Taiwanese society.

Kuo added that President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) hopes for continued dialogue and adjustments between the ruling and opposition parties even after the third reading of controversial bills, reflecting the public's demands.


In a move that has sparked widespread debate, Taiwan's Legislative Yuan passed amendments to the "Law Governing the Legislative Yuan`s Power" Tuesday, introducing fines ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$200,000 fines for officials who disrupt proceedings with counter-questions among other regulations.

Kuo stated that the government is now considering a constitutional challenge to the amendments, highlighting a deepening rift over legislative conduct and democratic values.

The Executive Yuan is preparing to request a constitutional interpretation, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus has announced plans to file for a constitutional review, aiming to address the societal concerns generated by the amendment process.

Kuo emphasized the importance of the Legislative Yuan as a symbol of democracy and the need for it to stand with the people in safeguarding democratic values.

As Taiwan grapples with these legislative changes, the call for dialogue and constitutional scrutiny reflects the ongoing struggle to balance legislative efficiency with democratic principles.

The coming weeks are likely to see further developments as the government and opposition parties navigate this contentious issue, with the potential for a constitutional review to provide clarity on the amendments' alignment with Taiwan's democratic values.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# Legislative Yuan# constitutional challenge# democratic values# parliamentary reform# Taiwanese society# DPP caucus# Taiwan legislative amendments controversy# Taiwan opposition parties dialogue# fines for disrupting Taiwan parliament
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