
Taiwan group slams officials for downplaying 228 Incident

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/28 19:19
Last update time:2024/05/28 19:19
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Taiwan group slams officials for downplaying 228 Incident (TVBS News) Taiwan group slams officials for downplaying 228 Incident
Taiwan group slams officials for downplaying 228 Incident (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan National Federation of 228 Incident Care Associations (台灣228關懷總會) criticized former officials, including the ex-chief executive of the 228 Memorial Foundation, Liao Chie-ping (廖繼斌), on Tuesday (May 28) for allegedly downplaying the Kuomintang's (中國國民黨) role in the 228 Incident and hurting the families of the victims. The association accused them of not considering the context in which the archives were created and remaining biased towards the Kuomintang's perspective.

Controversy Over Death Toll Estimates


Liao had claimed on Monday (May 27) that the estimated death toll of the 228 Incident (228事件) was about 1,200, a figure significantly lower than the official estimate of 12,000 deaths published in the "228 Incident Truth and Transitional Justice Research Report."

This discrepancy has sparked debate among historians and the public. Academia Historica President Chen Yi-shen (陳儀深) criticized Liao's estimate as a severe underestimation, highlighting the ongoing controversy over the historical interpretation of the event.

A Call for Recognition and Responsibility

The association emphasized that the 228 Incident represents a massacre of Taiwanese people by the Kuomintang regime, a painful and undeniable part of Taiwan's history.

They recounted a testimony from a 91-year-old witness, Li Ming-nan (李明男), who described seeing walls covered in blood and hundreds being executed in Kaohsiung's underground station passages during the incident. This account, among others, challenges the official narratives and underscores the extent of the tragedy that occurred across Kaohsiung, far beyond what has been officially acknowledged.

The association also highlighted the plight of many 228 families who still do not know where their loved ones perished or are afraid to acknowledge their relatives' suffering due to the incident.

They welcomed the discussion and examination of various data regarding the 228 Incident to clarify historical facts. However, they strongly condemned any attempts to distort history or diminish the Kuomintang's responsibility for the massacre, especially those that belittle the lives lost during the 228 Incident.

Taiwan Affairs

#228 Incident# Taiwan history# Kuomintang# massacre# Taiwanese# historical controversy# transitional justice# 228 Incident death toll debate# Taiwan 228 Incident victims’ families# Kuomintang role in 228 Incident
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