
Washington state renews driver’s license deal with Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 11:22
Last update time:2024/05/23 11:22
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US-Taiwan renews driver’s license deal (Courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle) Washington state renews driver’s license deal with Taiwan
US-Taiwan renews driver's license deal (Courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle)

WASHINGTON (TVBS News) — In a significant move that underscores the deepening ties between Taiwan and the United States, Washington state has recently renewed its driver's license reciprocity agreement with Taiwan. This renewal marks a decade since the initial agreement was signed in 2014, benefiting over 5,000 Taiwanese residents.

The agreement, which now spans 37 states across the U.S. following a recent signing in Utah, exemplifies the best practice of bilateral relations between Taiwan and the U.S., according to Marcus Glasper, the director of the Washington State Department of Licensing. Glasper stated that this agreement is the best practice of the close bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the U.S., highlighting the mutual benefits derived from such international cooperation.


A Decade of Mutual Benefits

Since the inception of the driver's license reciprocity agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle and Washington state, the arrangement has facilitated the lives of thousands of Taiwanese living or working in the state. The renewal comes at a time when Washington's technology and smart industry sectors are booming, attracting an increasing number of Taiwanese professionals and contributing to the vibrant exchange between the two regions.

Strengthening Economic Ties

Washington state's thriving relationship with Taiwan extends beyond driver's license reciprocity. In 2023, Taiwan emerged as Washington's sixth-largest trading partner, with bilateral trade totaling approximately US$3.8 billion. This economic partnership, coupled with agreements on driver's license reciprocity with other nations such as Japan, South Korea, and Germany, underscores Washington's commitment to fostering international relationships and economic growth.

As the driver's license reciprocity agreement enters its next decade, the continued collaboration between Taiwan and Washington state serves as a testament to the mutual respect between the two, promising further advancements in their bilateral relations.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan U.S. relations# driver’s license reciprocity# Washington state# Taiwanese residents# bilateral trade# international cooperation# economic partnership# Taiwanese professionals in Washington# Washington state technology sector
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