
Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/10 15:59
Last update time:2024/05/10 15:59
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Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan (TVBS News) Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan
Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In an interview broadcast on Thursday (May 9), Premier Chen Chien-jen warned that political infighting could lead to Taiwan's downfall, urging politicians to have the courage to change what can be changed and the wisdom to discern what cannot.

Chen said the new cabinet will face a legislature dominated by the opposition. He praised the cross-disciplinary, cross-party, and cross-industry team of Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai, but stressed the need for stronger communication, coordination, and persuasion to gain the support of the opposition when pushing for policy amendments.


Chen emphasized that the public can discern whether the ruling party's proposals or budgets are reasonable, and whether the opposition is deliberately obstructing them.

He pointed out that there is no need for confrontation between the ruling and opposition parties. For example, after the SARS outbreak, he successfully passed eight amendments by visiting committee members one by one to establish Taiwan's infectious disease medical system.

Regarding the opposition's plan to introduce a bill making contempt of the parliament a legal offense, Chen believes that no cabinet member wants to disrespect the parliament. He said that officials sometimes face accusations of counter-questioning or emotional language during parliamentary inquiries, which he considers an exaggeration if deemed contemptuous.

Chen noted that many people now prefer more controversial topics, but angering the other party is not a good intention or a characteristic of a good politician. He said the goal of politics should not be to increase volume or click-through rates but to engage in practical discussions on how to move Taiwan in a better direction.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# Premier Chen Chien-jen# Taiwanese legislature# Cho Jung-tai# Taiwan policy amendments# Taiwan SARS outbreak# Taiwan parliament contempt# political infighting in Taiwan# cross-party communication in Taiwan# Taiwan infectious disease medica
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