
Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/06 16:40
Last update time:2024/05/06 16:40
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Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation (Shutterstock) Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation
Toronto rally supports Taiwan's WHA participation (Shutterstock)

TORONTO (TVBS News) — A rally was held in Toronto's bustling Yonge-Dundas Square on Sunday (May 5) to support Taiwan's participation in the World Health Assembly (WHA).

The event, jointly organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, kicked off with a drum performance by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Toronto, attracting a large crowd.


TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling called on the World Health Organization (WHO) to invite Taiwan to this year's WHA. She highlighted Taiwan's successful pandemic prevention measures and advanced healthcare during the COVID-19 crisis, arguing that Taiwan should be included in discussions on pandemic conventions.

The event was attended by Judy Sgro, Chair of the Taiwan-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group and Liberal Member of Parliament (MP), along with MPs Ali Ehsassi and Michael Cooper of the Conservative Party. Sgro noted that Taiwan was among the first to provide Canada with masks and disinfectants during the pandemic. She agreed that Taiwan should have a seat at the WHA and revealed that MPs are signing a petition supporting Taiwan's participation.

Cooper stated that they would actively promote the Canada-Taiwan Relations Framework Act, urging the Canadian government to explicitly support Taiwan's participation in the WHA and other international multilateral forums.

Sgro will lead a delegation of 12 Canadian MPs to Taiwan to attend the Taiwanese presidential inauguration ceremony slated for May 20.

Taiwan Affairs

#Toronto rally# Taiwan WHA participation# TECO Toronto# Taiwan pandemic prevention# Taiwan-Canada relations# Taiwan healthcare# World Health Assembly# Taiwan’s participation in World Health Assembly# Canada Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group
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