
J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan’s power trials ahead of MOEA role

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/18 13:24
Last update time:2024/04/18 13:24
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J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan’s power trials ahead of MOEA role (TVBS News) J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan’s power trials ahead of MOEA role
J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan's power trials ahead of MOEA role (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — J.W. Kuo, the prospective Minister of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and chairman at Topco Scientific Co Ltd. said Thursday (April 18) he has been visiting various industries since April 16, particularly those urgently needing water and electricity.

He plans to compile their feedback to assess Taiwan's power needs.


Kuo aims to present a comprehensive report after taking office, evaluating whether Taiwan is facing a power shortage and how much electricity is needed to meet industrial demands.

Regarding the potential extension of nuclear power plants' service life, Kuo said it's too early to make a judgment. Any extension would require a consensus among the public and assurance of safety, he added.

Kuo emphasized his goal is to "communicate with all users and neighbors" and make decisions only after ensuring safety.

He has been visiting industries, especially those with urgent needs for water and electricity, to gather opinions and assess Taiwan's power needs.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan power needs# MOEA# J.W. Kuo# Topco Scientific# Taiwan electricity demand# nuclear power plants Taiwan# Taiwan industrial demands# Taiwan power shortage assessment# extension of nuclear power plants service# Taiwan industries water electricity needs
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