
Lai’s Cabinet picks spark interest in Health Minister choice

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/15 12:42
Last update time:2024/04/15 12:42
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Hsueh Jui-yuan awaits retention notice (Courtesy of Ministry of Health and Welfare Website)  Lai’s Cabinet picks spark interest in Health Minister choice
Hsueh Jui-yuan awaits retention notice (Courtesy of Ministry of Health and Welfare Website)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President-elect Lai Ching-te, set to take office on May 20, announced his cabinet last week, sparking interest in the selection for the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Current Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan, on Monday (April 15), stated he has not received notice of retention.

Hsueh attended the Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee of the Legislative Yuan, where he presented a special report and prepared for inquiries on the increase in child exploitation cases due to the prevalence of digital technology.


Lai's campaign promise of a "Healthy Taiwan" will be a focal point after his inauguration. Chen Jyh-hong, convener of the "Healthy Taiwan" forum and former superintendent of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Hospital, who assisted in formulating the policy, is considered a potential candidate for the next Minister of Health and Welfare.

Due to the insufficient total amount of National Health Insurance, it is possible that Hsueh will announce an increase in health insurance premiums before stepping down, following the model of former Director-General of Health Lee Ming-liang.

In response to the issue of insufficient pediatric resident doctors, Hsueh stated that the Ministry of Health and Welfare has proposed an optimization plan for child care, hoping to change the ecosystem and generate greater interest in the pediatric field among young doctors.

Taiwan Affairs

#Lai Ching-te# cabinet# Ministry of Health and Welfare# Hsueh Jui-yuan# child exploitation# National Health Insurance# pediatric resident doctors# Lai Ching-te’s campaign promise of a Healthy Taiwan# Chen Jyh-hong potential candidate for Minister of Health
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