
Ma Ying-jeou advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/02 10:48
Last update time:2024/04/02 10:48
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Ma Ying-jeou advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations (TVBS News) Ma Ying-jeou advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations
Ma Ying-jeou advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former President Ma Ying-jeou emphasized the importance of peaceful and stable cross-strait relations during a meeting with Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office, in China on Monday (April 1).

Ma stressed that such relations ensure the welfare of people on both sides of the strait and serve the best interests of the Chinese nation.


Ma recalled his visit to China last year with Taiwanese students, praising Song and his colleagues for their assistance, which led to positive outcomes.

He lauded Song's support for a reciprocal visit in July by faculty and students from five Chinese universities, who were warmly welcomed by Taiwanese citizens.

Ma argued that cross-strait stability benefits not only the two sides but also the world. He emphasized the shared history, culture, and lineage of the people across the strait, asserting they all belong to the Chinese nation and are descendants of Yan and Huang.

During his tenure, Ma said he established a common political foundation based on the "1992 Consensus" and opposition to "Taiwan independence." He believes these are key elements for cross-strait progress and will not change regardless of external circumstances.

Ma described the "1992 Consensus" as a valuable agreement reached through wisdom, setting aside disputes, seeking common ground while preserving differences, and creating a win-win situation. This consensus laid the foundation for cross-strait political relations and changed the direction of their development.

Ma pointed out that maintaining peaceful and stable cross-strait relations is the mainstream view in Taiwanese society, a fact he said was confirmed by recent election results.

He cited a public opinion poll conducted during his visit to China last year, which showed 77% of Taiwanese support cross-strait exchanges. He also noted the success of reciprocal visits last year, which facilitated further exchanges between students and effectively reduced cross-strait tensions and opposition over the past seven years.

Taiwan Affairs

#cross-strait relations# Taiwanese students# Chinese nation# 1992 Consensus# peaceful relations# cross-strait stability# reciprocal visits# importance of peaceful and stable cross-strait relations
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