
New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/25 12:52
Last update time:2024/03/25 12:52
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New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy (TVBS News) New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy
New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New Taipei City Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan remained noncommittal Monday (March 25) when asked about his potential candidacy in the 2026 elections, stating his current focus is on municipal work and no decisions have been made yet.

Liu, seen as a likely successor to Mayor Hou Yu-ih, made the comments during an interview with Taiwanese journalist Huang Wei-han. He noted that his career path from science teacher to school principal was planned, but his roles as Minister of Education, director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and deputy mayor were not.


When asked about potential 2026 rivals, including Democratic Progressive Party legislator Su Chiao-hui, Minister of Interior Lin Yu-chang, and Taiwan People's Party legislator Huang Kuo-chang, Liu declined to speculate or comment.

Liu said his current priority is to accompany the mayor in completing grassroots discussions in all 29 districts to better understand municipal affairs and the atmosphere. He acknowledged that elections are complex and said, "How life will turn out, it's impossible to make an immediate judgment."

Liu explained that he became the director of the Environmental Protection Bureau "serendipitously," emphasizing that any decision, including whether to run for office, is a complex matter, and no decisions have been made at this time.

Taiwan Affairs

#New Taipei City# 2026 elections# Deputy Mayor Liu# Taiwanese journalist# Democratic Progressive Party# Minister of Interior# Taiwan People’s Party# Potential candidacy in the 2026 elections# Likely successor to Mayor Hou Yu-ih
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