
Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/11 18:17
Last update time:2024/03/11 18:17
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Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law (TVBS News) Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law
Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen stated on Monday (March 11) the need for compelling research concerning a proposed change in law for absentee voting and voting by mail, as suggested by Kuomintang (KMT) legislators, to ensure citizen rights, election security, secret balloting, and fair and proper execution during elections.

Proposed changes have met with skepticism from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which fears it may create loopholes for Chinese interference in Taiwan's politics. Basing his remarks on the Public Officials Election and Recall Act, Chen noted that people are currently required to vote in their registered precincts, indicating that a comprehensive study is necessary for absentee voting.


Speaking on the same day, Central Election Commission Chairman Li Chin-yung held concerns about overseas forces' meddling in elections. He asserted the need for profound consideration of electoral reforms.

Li proposed that the implementation of the legislation start with the referendum. He highlighted the initiation of "transfer voting" – a process with previous practical experience – which he hopes will contribute to the conduct of absentee voting based on practical experience and serve as a reference for future studies.

When asked about the constitutionality of vote-by-mail, Li further clarified that protection of voting rights and secret ballot was of utmost importance. He emphasized carefully deliberating how to preserve these two elements in implementing various absentee voting measures.

Taiwan Affairs

#absentee voting# voting by mail# election security# secret balloting# electoral reforms# voting rights# referendum# proposed change in law for absentee voting# loopholes for Chinese interference in Taiwan’s politics# overseas forces’ meddling in elections


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