
Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/11 17:23
Last update time:2024/03/11 17:23
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Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal (Executive Yuan) Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal
Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal (Executive Yuan)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen demanded Monday (March 11) a widespread inspection by all departments, including the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), amid ongoing issues with problematic chili powders contaminated with Sudan dyes.

Over 21,000 kilograms of the tainted chili powder, distributed among 13 businesses across nine cities, is currently under scrutiny. The bulk of the problem, nearly 9,000 kilograms, was used by a food factory in Nantou to produce 55 different types of shacha sauce, which have been sold to 139 downstream sectors.


Chen stressed that comprehensive examinations and clean-ups should be carried out at retail ends, where any products not meeting regulations should be immediately removed from shelves and subjected to fines.

A company is under suspicion for using multiple brands at a single address, making the process of tracing the contaminated product more challenging. The premier promised the best investigation into this company from the relevant ministerial departments.

To alleviate public anxiety, Chen emphasized that the situation should be clearly explained to citizens and that strict penalties will be applied to any offending manufacturers to prevent the import of substandard goods under different company names. He promised to ensure food safety and prevent violations by unscrupulous manufacturers.

Taiwan Affairs

#Chili powder contamination# Food safety inspection# Premier Chen Chien-jen# Sudan dyes# Contaminated shacha sauce# Food factory inspection# Public anxiety# Ministry of Health and Welfare inspection on chili powder contamination
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