
MND affirms the right to self-defense

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/08 18:44
Last update time:2024/03/08 18:44
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MND affirms the right to self-defense (TVBS News) MND affirms the right to self-defense
MND affirms the right to self-defense (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) stressed in a statement on Friday (March 8) that, according to International Law, the inherent right of countries to exercise force for self-defense amid armed foreign attacks.

The MND specified if an enemy aircraft or vessel breaches Taiwan's airspace or territorial waters, respective actions, including recognition, interception, broadcasting, and expulsion, will be pursued.


If such invasions cannot be rebutted, frontline commanders can launch appropriate countermeasures to protect territorial integrity and maintain national security.

Addressing recent reports about the "National Military Self-Defense and Counterattack Adjustment Plan," (國軍調整自衛權反擊作法) the MND underscored that the international law grants all nations the fundamental right to use force for self-protection.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Ministry of National Defense# self-defense rights# territorial integrity# national security# foreign attacks# aircraft interception# international law# Taiwan Ministry of National Defense statement on self-defense rights# Actions against breach of
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