
TPP’s Ko slams government’s ’lazy’ traffic law amendments

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/08 18:25
Last update time:2024/03/08 18:25
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Ko challenges new traffic penalties (TVBS News) TPP’s Ko slams government’s ’lazy’ traffic law amendments
Ko challenges new traffic penalties (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je blasted the government on Friday (March 8) over its amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, characterizing them as "lazy solutions to lazy problems."

Ko expressed concern that the changes could endorse law-breaking if the police do not catch offenders.


He insisted that Taiwan be a rule-of-law nation, where new laws should be respected and followed immediately upon enactment.

The TPP leader further pointed to inconsistencies in traffic signage across Taiwan's counties and cities as a laughable issue. "We shouldn't have a lazy government using lazy methods to solve lazy problems," Ko stated.

His remarks followed the Executive Yuan's approval yesterday of new amendments and related measures to the Act. Ten minor traffic offenses punishable by fines of up to NT$1200 will no longer result in demerit points or permit public reporting.

Among these violations are riding a scooter without a helmet, using a cell phone while cycling, parking inappropriately at intersections, public entrances or exits, in front of fire hydrants, or occupying parking spaces reserved for disabled individuals.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan People’s Party# Road Traffic Management# law-breaking# rule-of-law nation# traffic signage# lazy government# traffic offenses# amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act# enforcement of new traffic laws# impact of new traffic regulat
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