
KMT, DPP split Legislative Yuan committee leadership

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/29 12:04
Last update time:2024/02/29 12:04
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KMT, DPP split Legislative Yuan committee leadership (TVBS News) KMT, DPP split Legislative Yuan committee leadership
KMT, DPP split Legislative Yuan committee leadership (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The results of the Legislative Yuan's standing committee convener election were announced on Thursday (Feb. 29), with both the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) securing one seat each in the eight committees.

Huang Kuo-chang, the Taiwan People's Party (TPP) caucus convener, expressed support earlier that day for KMT's convener candidates and declared full backing from all eight TPP legislators.


Meanwhile, Huang's KMT counterpart Fu Kun-chi revealed that the TPP did not nominate any candidates and showed "considerable modesty," despite earlier reports suggesting that KMT might give one convener seat to the TPP.

The Legislative Yuan shall have 8 standing committees: Home Affairs; Foreign Affairs and National Defense; Economic Affairs; Finance; Education and Culture; Transportation; Judiciary, Organic Laws and Statutes; Sanitation, Environment, and Labor Affairs. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Legislative Yuan# convener election# Kuomintang# Democratic Progressive Party# Taiwan People’s Party# caucus convener# standing committee# Legislative Yuan standing committee convener election results# Taiwan People’s Party caucus convener support for Kuo
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