
National Police Agency debunks rumors of bonus cuts

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/15 18:24
Last update time:2024/02/15 18:24
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National Police Agency debunks rumors of bonus cuts (TVBS News) National Police Agency debunks rumors of bonus cuts
National Police Agency debunks rumors of bonus cuts (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The National Police Agency sternly denied rumors of authorities planning to cut the year-end bonuses of police officers on Thursday (Feb. 15), attributing such claims to a misunderstanding.

The rumors, which were circulated online alleging the cuts, sparked a heated public debate. The agency clarified in a statement that the police's year-end bonuses are distributed following the provisions of the Executive Yuan on the issuance of year-end work bonuses for civil servants, military, and educational personnel.


Like other public servants, police officers who are employed by Jan. 31 and are still on the job by Dec. 1 would receive a year-end working bonus of 1.5 months. There are no particular stipulations for the year-end bonuses of police officers per the provisions.

Last July, the Executive Yuan approved a 15% increase in police duty allowances, the first such adjustment in 30 years. This reform added at least NT$1,265 to the monthly pay of police officers, benefiting nearly 70,000 nationwide.

The agency affirmed its continuous support for police officers, committing to combining various public welfare measures to improve their working conditions and benefits.

Taiwan Affairs

#National Police Agency# year-end bonuses# public debate# Executive Yuan# working bonus# police duty allowances# reform# rumors of police officers year-end bonus cuts# provisions for year-end bonuses of police officers# increase in police duty allowances
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