
New Taipei adopts fire blankets to combat electric car fires

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/26 17:25
Last update time:2023/06/26 17:25
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New Taipei City Fire Department has recently acquired 16 fire blankets to enhance their firefighting capabilities when dealing with electric vehicle (EV) fires. The move comes in response to the growing concern over the potential dangers posed by these fires, which can reach temperatures as high as 900 degrees Celsius. 

Unlike traditional car fires, the lithium batteries in EVs can continue to burn even in oxygen-free environments, exacerbating the risks involved. To extinguish a fire in an electric car, an estimated quantity of more than 20 tons of water is typically required, a stark contrast to the less than five tons needed for conventional vehicle fires. 


However, by incorporating fire blankets into their firefighting arsenal, the New Taipei City Fire Department aims to expedite the suppression process and reduce the amount of water necessary. Sergeant Fang Wei-chih, a member of the Deyin Fire Unit, emphasized the importance of utilizing the fire blankets in conjunction with the chassis nozzle. 

This combined approach enables firefighters to swiftly bring the fire under control, minimizing the risk of further spreading and conserving water resources. Additionally, the blankets contain toxic smoke emanating from the fire, preventing its dispersal and reducing the potential harm to nearby areas.

With a price tag of approximately NT$100,000 per unit, each fire blanket can be reused until it reaches the point of wear and tear. As the number of electric cars in Taiwan continues to surge, exceeding 30,000 vehicles at present, the acquisition of these fire blankets reflects a proactive approach by the New Taipei City Fire Department to adapt to the evolving landscape and ensure the safety of responders and the public alike.

Taiwan Affairs

#New Taipei City#Fire Department#fire blanket#electric vehicle#firefighting


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