
Taiwanese hospitals grapple with shortage of pediatricians

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/05/09 19:23
Last update time:2023/05/09 19:23
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — According to data from the Taiwan Pediatric Association, this year's recruitment rate for pediatric residents has fallen to 70%, marking a decline from previous years.

Among the five major departments in the hospital, pediatrics ranks second to last in terms of recruitment status, lagging behind internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and emergency medicine.


Despite having a training capacity of around 130 people, only slightly over 90 individuals have been recruited for pediatric resident training this year. 

"With the decrease in the number of pediatric residents, we may have to work longer hours or cover additional duty stations." Chiu Wei-lun a pediatric resident said. 

Factors contributing to the decline in interest among young physicians to pursue pediatrics include a declining birth rate and lower salaries than other medical specialties like dermatology, plastic surgery, and dentistry.

Pediatrician Mu Shu-chi has seen cases of trainees who transfer to other departments, such as dermatology and ophthalmology, within six months or less, possibly due to better quality of life and a slightly lighter workload.

Another pediatrician, Chiu Wei-lun, pointed out that they have to deal with complex work that demands significant labor and effort. Still, they receive low salaries, face poor job prospects, and encounter numerous medical disputes.

To address the shortage of pediatricians, the Taiwan Pediatric Association recommends raising national health insurance payments and increasing funding for pediatricians. These measures can help attract and retain talented healthcare professionals and ensure quality medical care for future generations in Taiwan.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Pediatric Association#pediatrician#healthcare#medical care#healthcare professional


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