Taiwan’s Yang Yung-wei aims for 1st medal at Olympics

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/07/27 18:48

PARIS (TVBS News) — The Olympic Games began today with the first medals expected soon. Taiwan's judoka, Yang Yung-wei, could win his first medal on Saturday evening in Paris. He is the team's only top-seeded athlete in Paris and won a silver medal in Tokyo in 2021. But how much are the medals worth at the Paris Olympics for French or Taiwanese athletes?

French gold medalists will receive 80,000 euros (around NT$2.8 million). Silver medalists will receive half of that, while bronze medalists will receive 20,000 euros. We asked a passerby in Paris for his take on the rewards for Olympians.


Alix G., a French tourist, said, "After all, it's true that it's not much for a medal. If they've got subsidies on the side, if there are officials around them at competitions to support them, and so on. Why not?"

After years of hard work, Taiwanese athletes also want to make their country proud. According to Taiwanese regulations, the Olympic gold, silver, and bronze medal awards are NT$20 million (around 560,000 euros), NT$7 million, and NT$5 million, respectively. This amount came as a surprise on the streets of Paris.

Richard N., a tourist from Hungary, noted, "Sure, it can be a way of breakthrough from poverty. So yeah, it's a good incentive."

We might argue that it's a lot of money for a few days of competition, but we should consider the years of hard work and sacrifices needed to make history. Athletes train rigorously for years, dedicating their lives to their sport in hopes of standing on the Olympic podium.

As the Games continue, the world watches with anticipation. The rewards for these athletes are not just monetary but also a recognition of their dedication and perseverance. The support from their countries and the public's interest highlight the importance of these competitions, not just for the medals but for the spirit of sportsmanship and national pride they inspire.


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更新時間:2024/07/27 18:48
